Our focus in the Primary and Junior Sections is on developing students’ thinking within a framework that ensures strong Language and Mathematics skills. We achieve this by preserving a traditional Language and Mathematics approach and curriculum, while teaching Social Studies and Science in the context of inquiry based units of study. An Inquiry Based Approach makes learning a more positive experience and ensures that our students become lifelong learners. The benefit of this approach is encapsulated in the following quotation:
“In times of profound change, the learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists”
– Eric Hoffer
Our units of inquiry are a result of collaborative planning across grade levels to create a comprehensive programme of studies for the Primary and Junior sections. This process assures a progression of skills and ideas through the school. Our Programme of Studies is structured under broad universal themes that are further broken down into central ideas and core concepts.
In these units, learning is based on the inquiry based approach where students drive the learning by being encouraged to explore aspects of the unit they find interesting. A variety of learning styles are addressed to allow each child the opportunity to develop his/her skills and demonstrate his/her particular talents. The units are based primarily on Science and Social Studies. However, other subjects are integrated where possible so that knowledge can be applied in all areas of the curriculum. This helps students make more mental connections and sustains their interest.
We also recognize that parental involvement is a central element to the success of your child’s learning. Parental interest and support are the key to truly effective learning so that what is learned at school can be applied at home. As such a letter is sent home to explain the unit being undertaken by students and the parents’ help in aiding students to collect books/information that they will use at school is invaluable. Parental feedback also informs teachers of the true impact of learning.
Personal and Social Education lessons are a large part of the holistic development of the child. Therefore a focus on developing positive character attributes to support learning in school and to develop as good citizens is an integral part of each unit of inquiry.
Other elements of our educational approach include small group teaching, which ensures greater teacher-student contact and allows students to pursue their inquiry. In the group rotations, one of the three groups works independently, allowing students to develop independent working skills and learn greater responsibility.
From Class III onwards students sit for marked tests and quizzes. However, presentations, group work, public speaking and other class activities are evaluated and included in the final grade to help provide a more complete profile of a student’s progress and allow students to explore and develop different learning styles. Examinations are introduced in Class IV during the Second Term. Students in Class IV, V and VI sit for examinations in English, Mathematics and Urdu. This initial experience of appearing for exams prepares our students for the Senior Section where the focus is on the academic requirements geared towards success in the O-Level Examinations held in Classes X and XI.