Junior Policies & Procedures



  • Parents must wear the child’s ID card to be allowed entrance to school premises at any time, including for school events.
  • Students found using mobile phones or electronic devices such as iPods and Mp-3 players during school hours will have them confiscated and could face disciplinary action.
  • Any student involved in a physical fight/altercation, will receive an automatic suspension from school.
  • Three suspensions will qualify for an expulsion form school.
  • Parents are requested to contact the school office for any assistance during school hours. In case of an emergency the office staff can be asked to approach the teacher concerned.
  • Homework is assigned for your child’s benefit and should be taken seriously. We would like you to supervise your child’s homework and sign the homework diary daily.
  • All school property must be treated with respect. All books must be handled with great care and repaired if required. The school management must be informed of any loss of school property.
  • Parents who wish to take their children home early, should speak to the receptionist who will get permission from the appropriate administrator and call for your child to come to the office. Whenever possible please give the school office advance notice so prior arrangements can be made.
  • If you receive a call from school to pick up your child who is unwell, please come to the school office and your child will be brought to you.
  • Also please note that any person picking up a student early would be required to prove that he or she has your authority to do so. They must be in possession of your child’s school identity card for that purpose.
  • Punctuality is mandatory and students coming late will be held accountable.
  • In case a student is late to school for a third time in a term he/she will be sent home.
  • In case of absence, the student must bring a note the very first day of returning to school, confirming the duration of, and reason for, the absence. This note should be given to the class teacher.
  • For leave comprising more than three days, parents must have the leave approved in writing by the school administration before the child misses school.

The school uniform policy has to be followed as determined by the school. Students who do not observe the policy uniform code will not be allowed to attend school.

The Bay View Academy uniform is available at Ghani Sons. The uniform policy is as follows:


  • Shirts must be tucked in at all times, and trousers must be worn at the waist, not below it.
  • Black belts and black shoes may be worn. Joggers may be worn instead, which must be either black or white. A minimum of trim on joggers will be allowed, but two-toned shoes are not permitted.
  • Hair must be kept short (no longer than two inches), cut neatly above the neck. Haircuts should be neat (no designs shaved in, etc.) and styled without gel (or similar products).
  • Jewelry is not allowed.
  • House t-shirts are worn on Fridays. Track pants may only be worn on Sports Day and are not part of the regular uniform.


  • Black shoes may be worn. Joggers may be worn instead, and must be either black or white. A minimum of trim on joggers will be allowed, but two-toned shoes are not permitted.
  • Jewellery is restricted to one small pair of earrings. Nails should be neatly cut and free of polish.
  • Hair that is shoulder length or longer must be tied back at all times. Only navy blue, black, white or House colour hair accessories may be worn.
  • House T-shirts and House colour dupattas are worn on Fridays.
  • For winter – Navy blue cardigans for girls and V-necked pullovers for boys. Navy blue blazers and sweatshirts are also an option for boys and girls. Girls may wear plain white tights. All students are required to wear school items in the winter (dates to be confirmed), except for girls wearing shalwar kameez. All uniform items are available at Ghani Sons.

Students, who do not follow the dress code, will be sent home. Uniforms that do not meet school requirements must be replaced.

  • Careful and regular work at home is indispensable to a successful school career. Every pupil has homework given in writing every day. Parents are asked to make sure that their child has a suitable place and time in which to do the work prescribed.
  • Homework can be excused only after the receipt and approval, by the class teacher or subject teacher concerned, of a parent’s letter setting out the reasons. Social engagements are not acceptable as an excuse. Missed homework is the responsibility of the pupil and needs to be completed as soon as possible.
  • All students are expected to have their own stationery.
  • A pupil whose work in class or at home is unsatisfactory may be placed on ‘observation’ until it improves. A pupil whose performance remains unsatisfactory or who shows himself/herself clearly unequal to the attainment expected of his/her age may be placed on academic probation or may be required to repeat the grade.
  • 50% of final grade in each exam subject is based on the term marks and 50% on the exam marks.
  • A minimum of 3 tests are to be expected in a term.
  • The term marks are comprised of the tests held during the term and other coursework (including behaviour/participation, maintaining files and regularly submitting homework).
  • Students will only be re-tested if they provide the school with a doctor’s note.
  • The school will only grant excused absences in case of illness which must be substantiated with a doctor’s note. Excused leave for any other reason must be approved by the Principal or Vice-Principal in advance and will only be granted in rare cases for unavoidable circumstances.
  • Only students with an excused absence will receive an average mark if they miss a test or marked assignment. Furthermore, as a matter of policy, students will not be retested.
  • Please do not approach the school for your child to receive an average mark in a test or marked assignment if they leave is for family vacations, weddings etc. as these should all be planned during our regularly scheduled vacations.

Examinations are introduced in the Junior School in Class IV as part of the on-going process of development towards the O-Level.

Class IV:

Students appear for their first exams in Class IV. Mock exams are held in the First Term to guide students through the process of sitting for an exam. These results are not recorded in the report card. However, Second Term results are recorded to form a complete student profile.

Class V and VI:

Examinations will be held in English Language, Mathematics and Urdu in both the First and Second Terms. Term results in each subject will be based on a process of continuous assessment.

  • A fee bill will be sent at that beginning of each quarter. Fees must be paid by the settlement date or else a surcharge will be added.
  • All payments must be deposited directly and ONLY to Habib Metropolitan Bank, Khayaban-e-Shahbaz Branch, Lane -2, Phase VI, D.H.A., Karachi (for Defence and Clifton Campus) and Habib Metropolitan Bank, Allama Iqbal Road Branch, Plot Nos. 946 & 947 C, PECHS, Karachi (for PECHS Campus).
  • The Library is a quiet place. There should be no talking. If you must say something, it should be in a whisper.
  • No eating or drinking is allowed in the Library.
  • Books must be returned on time.
  • Any damaged book found on the shelves must be given to the Librarian. A student should not get a damaged book issued in his/her name for he/she will be held accountable.
  • If a book is accidentally damaged while in a student’s care, the Librarian must be informed.
  • Lost or damaged books will have to be replaced by the Librarian who will charge the student a set fee.
  • In case a student does not return his/her library book for the third consecutive week a fine of Rs.200/- will be charged (If a book is lost or damaged in your care a flat rate of Rs.500/- will be charged.). The parent must make sure this fine is paid from the child’s pocket money. The money eventually collected will be used to buy a book for the library.

We hope you will help your children to use the Library effectively and encourage them to read a variety of books of their level.

Below are isolation periods for children with infectious diseases, which must be adhered to by parents. A child is not allowed to re-enter the school after having an infectious disease without a medical certificate. Children returning after such an absence must report to the School Office before going to class.





Chicken Pox Usually infectious before rash appears. 14 days from onset of rash.  No blisters containing fluid should be present.  All open scabs should be crusted and all scales should have fallen off.


Conjunctivitis Infectious while symptoms are present. Until symptoms have cleared.


Diphtheria Until certified fit by doctor including negative throat and nasal swab.


Dysentery and Diarrhoeal disease Infectious even after symptoms improve. Until convalescence (symptom free) is definitely established and normal stools are seen when off treatment.


German Measles Usually infectious before rash appears. 7 days from onset of rash in the case of a mild attack.


Head Lice Until head has been cleaned and medicated.  All nits must be removed.


Hepatitis Usually infectious before symptoms appear. Minimum 2 weeks.  Until symptom free along with fitness certificate from doctor.  Liver function test normal.


Measles Usually infectious before symptoms appear. For not less than 12 days from the date of onset of the rash.


Mumps Usually infectious before symptoms appear. For not less than 2 weeks from onset, with clear evidence of no swelling or inflammation of the throat.


Poliomyelitis Return when certified and cleared by the doctor.


Ringworms Return when certified and cleared by the doctor.


Scabies Transmitted by direct contact or handling of contaminated objects. Until proper treatment has been given.  Return when certified cured by pediatrician or dermatologist.


Typhoid Fever Water-borne feco-oral route. Minimum 2 weeks.  Return when certified clear by the doctor.


Whooping Cough Highly Contagious At least 2 weeks from onset and until cough has subsided.